Learn more about the programs offered at Fair Acres Country Day School.
Our Fair Acres Kindergarten curriculum is based on the Massachusetts State Frameworks which is used throughout the state in public kindergarten programs and is taught by a state licensed kindergarten teacher.
Though we follow the same frameworks, our full day program paired with the limited class size allows Fair Acres to go beyond the curriculum offered in a public school setting. The curriculum focus’ on phonemic awareness, phonics development, and writing skills as well as early math and science skills. The size of the class allows the teacher to give the children one-on-one attention while addressing the varied abilities in the classroom so that every child’s needs are met.
In tune with the Fair Acres philosophy, our kindergarten program promotes a strong belief in physical activity with a focus on team sports. Our kindergarten children will also be able to participate in field trips during the school year such as the annual trip to the Cape Cod Ballet’s performance of The Nutcracker.
In kindergarten, it is still very important for children to have time for free play which is often unavailable through a half day kindergarten program. Our full day program offers a structured morning program paired with a center-based afternoon that incorporates play into learning centers designed to encourage cognitive development.
Children graduating from our kindergarten typically have developed a strong sense of self-confidence and usually experience strong academic success. We’re proud to say that our Fair Acres Kindergarten graduates transition well into public and private first grade classrooms.
Pre-K: 5-Day Full Time
The five day Pre-K program is a program combining small class size with the continuity of a full time program. It has been designed to enhance “total” child development by emphasizing academic, social, and physical growth.
This program is based on the already high standards of our four year old program while extending those standards, academically and socially, through the benefit of a five day per week program.
In general, children enrolled in this program will have had previous school experience and because class size is limited, priority will be given to those children who have completed the Fair Acres three year old and/ or four year old programs.
The program is full day and will dismiss at 3:30. As always, extended day care until 5:30 will be available for those families requiring it. The daily schedule is closely related to our Kindergarten program, however, curriculum will be tailored to the children enrolled in the program.
The children completing this program will benefit from the continuity of a five day program which allows for increased one-on-one teacher attention, an advanced academic curriculum, deeper social interactions, and preparation for the Fair Acres Kindergarten.
Pre-K: 3, 4, or 5 Days
The four year old program is designed as an extension of our three year old program as well as a preparation for our Fair Acres Kindergarten.
The program follows the Fair Acres Philosophy that gross motor play is an essential building block affecting all areas of development. Four year old children at our school play outside for at least an hour every day during the morning preschool program.. This outdoor time includes a balance of free play and organized activity that will include an introduction to many team sports such as soccer, t-ball, and hockey.
The rest of the morning consists of circle time, snack, project centers, and free play. Free play is a time for preschool children to explore their learning environment through the use of manipulative, dramatic play and sensory experiences. This time is crucial to a preschool program in order for children to have the opportunity to practice the social skills they will need to be successful in life.
During circle and project centers, children will be immersed in art experiences, as well as promoting their cognitive development that will include literacy, math, science, health, and social studies. Children will practice skills such as letter and number recognition, print awareness, writing, sequencing, patterns, healthy lifestyles, cause and effect, and so much more. This learning all takes place under the umbrella of a weekly theme taught by qualified teachers licensed in the field of Early Childhood Education.
The preschool program focus’ on social learning, which is the largest area of development at this time in a child’s life.
Many times, preschool provides the first real separation between the parent and child. Our dedicated staff works with the parents, to easy this transition making both the parent and child feel safe and secure that their decision has been a good one. Children in the three year old program work on developing self- help skills such as independent toileting, and putting on their own shoes or coat to develop an increased independence and build the child’s self- confidence.
The morning begins with a “circle time” during which the children will sing songs and participate in learning activities focused around the weekly theme. The group setting also allows for children to practice turn taking, sharing thoughts with others, listening to others, and an introduction to the daily structure of school. The children will work on increasing their verbal skills such as asking for their needs to be met as opposed to crying or using emotional outbursts to get their way.
During the day, children will be immersed in gross motor play, a strong philosophy at Fair Acres, both on our beautiful green athletic fields as well as our state of the art playground. In addition to gross motor play, children will have the opportunity to practice fine motor skills through hands-on activities which promote experience in the physical sciences through water play, sensory “feeling” tables, cooking, and nature walks as well as developing cognitive skills such as color identification, counting, and letter recognition.
Register your child with one of our Kindergarten, Pre-K, or Preschool programs.