What People Are Saying About Fair Acres!

Curious to hear what current and former families are sharing about their Fair Acres experiences? Here are a few testimonials that we’ve collected recently…

“It was the best experience for both of my daughters! They learned how to be respectful to others, made lifelong friends and learned to read and write! They miss everyone there. Fair Acres absolutely exceeded my expectations. The experience was amazing, like a big family, I am so happy my girls went there!” ~Shelley Cenzalli

“We originally heard about Fair Acres through word of mouth and through several friends who have had their children attend Fair Acres. Our experience has been amazing. We’ve been an active Fair Acres family for many years now. My son started in the Pre-K for 1.5 years, then attended Kindergarten. We also did the summer camp program for many years for both my son and daughter. My daughter stared last year in the 3’s building and is now in the 5-day Pre-K class. Quintin learned how to ride his bike without training wheels, while in the 5-day Pre-K, thanks to Miss Tracey! Quintin also learned how to swim thanks to the amazing summer camp staff and the beautiful pond. When the pandemic started, Quintin was in Kindergarten with Miss Linda. Miss Linda, Miss Shannon, Jodi and Curt went above and beyond to make sure the children could still have a somewhat normal learning experience. That Kindergarten class was so memorable, I don’t think we will ever forget it. Quintin went into first grade so far ahead of the other kids, because of all the hard work and dedication we received from all of the Fair Acres staff.” ~Brittany Burt

“I had heard wonderful things about the teachers and the experiences my friends’ kids had. My oldest, Cole, had a wonderful teacher, Miss Judy, last year who exceeded my expectations. She was caring, nurturing, and warm to my child and got him interested in learning. We love all the outside time the children get, as well…it is a beautiful campus, and they utilize it very well! I love that my youngest, Beckett, has Miss Jen and Miss Erika. They are fabulous with him! They have such a fun curriculum and are so caring and kind.” ~Erin Anderson

“We love Fair Acres! I can’t say it enough. The three-year-old program was the first time our son attended a school away from us. Not only was he learning amazing things, he was also cared for greatly by the teachers and staff. He had some anxiety issues that the teachers and staff worked with us in a variety of ways to overcome his fears. This year he attends the 5-day pre-K program now and has blossomed! He comes home teaching us all kinds of new things- about other cultures, science, nature, art, etc. He has really taken ownership of his learning. It is especially great to have him learning in an environment where the teachers value outdoor play and learning. He goes outside every day, even if there is snow on the ground. The teachers go out of their way to teach about the environment we live in so that the children get an appreciation for nature and being outside. One of the first days of pickup this year in pre-K the students were outside having a dance party on the field. The kids were having such a great time! And really, that is what every day is like! There is learning in every activity they do, but the kids don’t know it- they think they are playing. What I love the most though, is he is learning to be a good friend, citizen and person as well. The social skills development is a huge piece that we cannot teach alone as parents. Fair Acres has been incredible with teaching good values, interpersonal skills and kindness. He refers to all his classmates as his friends, not as kids in his class. All this wouldn’t be possible without the guidance and support of the owners, Curt and Jodi. They are always welcoming and open. My son loves going in to say good morning to Miss Jodi and gives her a hug every time. These are the relationships I want my son to develop with his classmates and teachers/administrators. He LOVES going to school. I really can’t say enough wonderful things!” ~Beth Anderson

Want to share your family’s Fair Acres story? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com!

Meet Philly!

Meet Philly, the latest addition to the Fair Acres and Larson family. Philly’s name came from the beautiful city of Philadelphia where Molly Larson lived during her veterinarian school experience. Philly was adopted from Golden Hugs Rescue in Vermont, originally from Luna Farms in Alabama. He is just over 1 year old and loves all things puppies like to do, especially being around people. Philly was adopted in November and you may have seen him around as we have been introducing him to the school, children, and Fair Acres property.

With the help of “Nine to Five Canine,” owned by Corinne Leary we are very proud and happy with Philly’s
progress. Corinne, the owner, and trainer of Nine to Five Canine, is also a proud Fair Acres Country Day
School graduate! Corinne has a background in various training styles and has always said “A trained dog
comes in many different forms. Whether a show champion, a canine good citizen, or a dog that simply
comes when called, a trained dog is defined by your goals and the work you want to put forth.” Nine to
Five Canine works with you and your pup to build a foundation in puppy training, on and off leash
obedience, and/or correcting problem behaviors with behavior modification. She sees each dog as an
individual as each dog has different motivations due to breed genetics, background, or lifestyle at home,
and therefore may learn in a different way than others. Focusing on the individual dog, she can then
educate both your dog and you as a handler in the best way possible for your training goals.  

Philly went to training with the goal of acclimating to his wonderful new home after bouncing around
foster homes. Corinne, Jodi, and Curt worked together to get him settled into his new lifestyle, build his
confidence in learning social cues, play styles from other dogs, and work around real-life distractions.
Philly learned confidence, new commands, and the rewards that come from following through both on and off a leash. From this, the line of communication was able to be opened between Philly and the Fair Acres family to enjoy a better bond and relationship for years to come. 

We are so grateful to keep the Fair Acres dog tradition alive…. Lady, Lucy, and now Philly.

Please welcome Philly to The Fair Acres family with a small treat or a loving pat.

The Fair Acres Family

Kindergarten Spring Community Service Project

The Kindergarten class is having a BOOK DRIVE to benefit the Independence House in Hyannis!

We are encouraging our families and community members to come together in support of this important initiative!

  • WHAT: NEW book donations for all ages, infant to adult – inspirational stories, please!
  • WHEN: We will be accepting donations between May 15th and May 25th
  • WHERE: Donations can be dropped off in the Fair building and Sanborn building

Thank you for your generous contributions, for supporting the Kindergarten Spring Community Service Project and the Independence House!

Limited Availability Remaining our 2023-2024 Kindergarten Class!

We have limited availability remaining in our 2023-2024 Kindergarten class!

  • In an effort to help you make an informed decision about where to send your child for Kindergarten, we would like to provide you information about our Kindergarten program: The Kindergarten Decision
  • We have also compiled answers to some frequently asked questions regarding our Kindergarten: Kindergarten FAQ’s
  • If you have additional questions, they may be answered here, in our general Fair Acres FAQs.
  • Registration is available here.

What people are saying about Kindergarten at Fair Acres:

“We feel that our son’s academic and social growth at Fair Acres since Preschool and now ending his tenure here in Kindergarten has improved exponentially! He went from being a socially shy and academically apprehensive child to a confident, happy and academically flourishing child.”

“My daughter has improved immensely so far. She is reading on her own, speaking Spanish, counting, knows the months in order and more. As well as academically, she has also grown emotionally which is just as important. I don’t have to fight for her to go to school. She wants to go on the weekends. This shows me she is really enjoying it as well.”

Fair Acres Sign

Fair Acres Playground

Fair Acres Playground “Voted #1 playground on the Cape” (by our students!)

Recreational Center

Fair Acres multipurpose recreational center with tennis, basketball, track, and more!

Fresh Water Beach

Over 300 feet of sandy beach on spring fed, fresh water Shubael’s Pond.

The best way to get a sense of our curriculum, philosophy, staff and campus, is to join us for a tour.
Contact us at info@fairacrescapecod.com to schedule your personal tour today!

April Vacation Camp Highlights

This year’s April Vacation Camp was an action-packed week, full of fun and friendships, featuring plenty of outdoor games, imaginative play, crafts and nature-based activities!

Our vacation campers made use of the entire campus, and enjoyed engaging with each other in this year’s themes, which included “Bubble Fun,” “Earth Day,” “Ice Cream Social” and “Baseball Day”…

Fair Acres 2023 Learn-to-Skate Program

Fair Acres was so happy to be able to offer our Learn-to-Skate program again this year!

This program took place on Tuesdays throughout the month of March at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. The Pre-K and Kindergarten students traveled by bus to the rink (the bus ride was a huge highlight for the children!), and after lacing up, took to the ice to embark on the adventure of developing their ice skating skills together.

After the first couple of weeks, all of the children were off skating independently, no longer needing to reply on crates for balance. We were amazed by their progress, as they proudly demonstrated their skating abilities!

Our Learn-to-Skate program provides for a whole lot of fun, but also supports our goal of encouraging the development of very important skills, as well as physical activity. Preparing to ice skate requires many fine motor skills, including zipping jackets, tying skates and putting on gloves, and skating improves posture, balance, flexibility and coordination, while enhancing muscle strength and endurance.

Fair Acres is very proud of the long list of alumni, who have gone on to become hockey players and figure skaters, and we are very grateful to our staff, parents, and grandparents, who shared their time and talents with us, to help make this program a huge success!

Learn more about Fair Acres programming here.

Now Forming our 2023-2024 Kindergarten Class!

We have limited availability remaining in our 2023-2024 Kindergarten class!

  • In an effort to help you make an informed decision about where to send your child for Kindergarten, we would like to provide you information about our Kindergarten program: The Kindergarten Decision
  • We have also compiled answers to some frequently asked questions regarding our Kindergarten: Kindergarten FAQ’s
  • If you have additional questions, they may be answered here, in our general Fair Acres FAQs.
  • Registration is available here.

What people are saying about Kindergarten at Fair Acres:

“We feel that our son’s academic and social growth at Fair Acres since Preschool and now ending his tenure here in Kindergarten has improved exponentially! He went from being a socially shy and academically apprehensive child to a confident, happy and academically flourishing child.”

“My daughter has improved immensely so far. She is reading on her own, speaking Spanish, counting, knows the months in order and more. As well as academically, she has also grown emotionally which is just as important. I don’t have to fight for her to go to school. She wants to go on the weekends. This shows me she is really enjoying it as well.”

Fair Acres Sign

Fair Acres Playground

Fair Acres Playground “Voted #1 playground on the Cape” (by our students!)

Recreational Center

Fair Acres multipurpose recreational center with tennis, basketball, track, and more!

Fresh Water Beach

Over 300 feet of sandy beach on spring fed, fresh water Shubael’s Pond.

The best way to get a sense of our curriculum, philosophy, staff and campus, is to join us for a tour.
Contact us at info@fairacrescapecod.com to schedule your personal tour today!

Fair Acres Summer Day Camp Is Hiring!

Fair Acres Summer Day Camp is seeking dynamic individuals to help create a positive camp experience and memories that will last a lifetime!

If you or someone you know is interested in joining our team and working with our campers, ages 4-12, in the role of Camp Counselor or Lifeguard this summer, please contact us at (508) 420-3288, or via email at info@fairacrescapecod.com. For more information and to complete an application, please visit this page.

Available Roles: Camp Counselor, Lifeguard

Our Summer Camp staff will need to be able to commit to working Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM, from June 26 – August 25, 2023, and will be offered competitive compensation.

Fair Acres Summer Day Camp is staffed with highly-trained individuals from all over New England, who have proven themselves as outstanding leaders and role models. The majority of our Summer Camp staff return year after year, forming bonds with each other and creating community with our campers.

Fair Acres Summer Day Camp Employment Application

February Vacation Camp Highlights

Last week’s February Vacation Camp was was an action-packed week, full of fun and friendships, featuring imaginative play, crafts, games and nature-based activities!

This year, the children who attended had the opportunity to participate in pajama days, a day full of cooking (featuring pancakes and pizza…YUM!), and an extra-special polar exploration all about penguins! 

If you are interested in learning more about our February and April Vacation Camps, please contact us!

2023 Summer Camp Registration is Now Open!

Welcome to Fair Acres Summer Day Camp!

We have been very busy this winter preparing for a wonderful and fun-filled summer camp program for the summer of 2023. Our goal is to create a positive experience that will last a lifetime for our campers and ensure a summer of “good ol’ camp fun”. Fair Acres Summer Camp will be offered to children ages 4 – 12 and will run for (4) two-week sessions beginning July 3rd. The camp program begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.

The program for the summer months has been designed to utilize the eight-plus acres that encompass Fair Acres. The country setting offers large green lawn areas, fully equipped playgrounds, two pickleball courts, a basketball court, a putting green, a ball field, and plenty of woods for exploring nature. We are excited to bring our popular GaGa pit back to summer camp this year. Our campers will enjoy teaming up with their fellow campers for some friendly competition during this kinder gentler version of dodgeball. Gross motor skills along with sportsmanship will be a key part of this fun activity.

The area features spring-fed Shubael’s Pond. Its sandy bottom and gradual depth are the perfect location for swimming and fun-filled water activities. Emphasis will be on physical development through gross motor skills, arts & crafts, swimming instruction, nature, music, and plenty of camp fun. Fair Acres classroom buildings are spacious facilities that are utilized on rainy days and for special activities.

Fair Acres Summer Camp is staffed with hand-selected, qualified persons from all over New England. Our staff is rigorously trained and thoroughly understands the individual needs of each camper. Most of all, they are enthusiastic, energetic, and excited to work with your child to develop their full potential.

Come join us this summer at Fair Acres for all the fun a child can handle! We are looking forward to sharing a great experience with you and your family.

See you this Summer!

The Larson Family


Check out some of our Summer Camp highlights!
Learn more about our summer camp programming here!

2023 Summer Camp Dates:

  • Session 1: 7/3-7/14
  • Session 2: 7/17-7/28
  • Session 3: 7/31-8/11
  • Session 4: 8/14-8/25

Drop-off is at 8:30 AM, and pick-up is at 3:30 PM

*Please note: August 25th is our last day of camp, and we will be closing promptly at 1:00 pm.

2023 Summer Camp Rates:

  • $850.00 Per Session (2 weeks)
  • $775.00 Per Session (2 weeks) 2nd child

A $75.00 non-refundable registration fee, plus $850 is due at the time of registration to secure your child’s spot. The $850 will be applied to your child’s last attending session.

The sessions that your child is registered for are binding and payment will be due prior to the start of the session. No refunds for any closures due to COVID.

You will be invoiced by mail on June 1st, 2023 for the remaining sessions registered.

Upcoming Events

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Fair Acres!

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten Program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

Please join us for our upcoming events:

Wednesday, January 18th, 5:30-6:30 PM: Kindergarten Information Night

At Fair Acres. we know that starting Kindergarten is a big step in the lives of children and parents. To better prepare you for this step, we invite you to attend our Kindergarten Information Night. Linda Crawford, our wonderful Kindergarten teacher of many years, will be speaking to you about what to expect in Kindergarten, school choice, and how to know if your child is ready for Kindergarten. She will also share some highlights from our Kindergarten curriculum.

Wednesday February 1st, 6-7:30 PM: Open House

At a Fair Acres open house, one can expect to meet our first-rate staff, learn about our philosophy and curriculum, and explore the opportunities for experiential learning and play that our 8-acre campus provides! Join us as we open our doors to share all that Fair Acres has to offer!

Learn more about what sets our programming apart and why we are considered “Cape Cod’s best,” here!

2023-2024 school year registration is now open to current families, and opens to new families on January 26th, here!

Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com
Directions to Fair Acres 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

2023-2024 School Year Registration Now Open to Current Families!

Thank you for your interest in Fair Acres country Day school.


We will open registration to new families on January 26th!


2023-2024 TUITION





Call (508) 420-3288 for more information and to schedule your personal tour of our expansive nature-based campus nestled on the sandy shores of sparkling Shubael Pond, boasting several outdoor classrooms, forests, fields, gardens and playgrounds!

We are prepared to offer your child a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn, play and grow! We can’t wait to welcome you to Fair Acres!

Open House: Wednesday, February 1st, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten Program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

Join us as we open our doors to share all that Fair Acres has to offer! This event will provide current and prospective families the opportunity to meet our staff, tour the campus, and learn more about our programs. See the classroom that your child will attend in the Fall and bring a friend along too!

We look forward to welcoming you to our Open House!

  • Wednesday, February 1st, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

  • Open to current and prospective families 

Learn more about what sets our programming apart, here!

2023-2024 school year registration opens to current families on January 4th, and opens to new families on January 26th, here!

Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com
Directions to Fair Acres 

Kindergarten Information Night: Wednesday, January 18th, 5:30-6:30 PM

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten Program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

At Fair Acres. we know that starting Kindergarten is a big step in the lives of children and parents. To better prepare you for this step, we invite you to attend our Kindergarten Information Night. Linda Crawford, our wonderful Kindergarten teacher of many years, will be speaking to you about what to expect in Kindergarten, school choice, and how to know if your child is ready for Kindergarten. She will also share some highlights from our Kindergarten curriculum…

We look forward to welcoming you to our Kindergarten Information Night!

  • Wednesday, January 18th, 5:30-6:30 PM

  • Open to current and prospective parents & guardians 

Learn more about what sets our Kindergarten programming apart, here!

2023-2024 school year registration opens to current families on January 4th, and opens to new families on January 26th, here!

Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com
Directions to Fair Acres 

Fair Acres December Newsletter

We hope you enjoy our December newsletter!

We are so pleased to present our December newsletter, which highlights many of the incredible projects, activities and adventures we were able to engage in together so far, during the 2022-2023 school year…

Our students make us so proud each and every day, building friendships and enriching each others’ lives through collaborative learning and play! 

Jumpstart’s 2022 “Read for the Record®”

On October 27th, Fair Acres participated in Jumpstart’s “Read for the Record®,” the world’s largest shared reading experience!

Each year, Jumpstart selects a campaign book that fosters language and social-emotional development, honors the diversity in our world, has a strong narrative, and appeals to young children. That book is read across the country and around the world by adults and young readers on Read for the Record day.

As a part of this initiative, the children gathered on the stage to listen to Ms. Linda read this year’s campaign book, Nigel and the Moon.

Nigel and the Moon is about a young boy who dreams big, but is too scared to share his dreams with the world. Instead, every night he tells his dream of becoming an astronaut, dancer, and superhero to the moon. As his class moves through career week, Nigel’s community helps him build up confidence in who he is. This book encourages children to celebrate where they come from, who they are, and who they want to be.

The children also worked on a corresponding, “Dream Big” activity, writing about and illustrating what they want to be when they grow up, just like Nigel in the story!

Part of a national campaign that was launched over a decade ago, “Read for the Record®” addresses the educational inequities that leave many children unprepared for Kindergarten, by:

  • Increasing awareness about the critical importance and impact of early literacy
  • Making high-quality children’s books accessible for all children
  • Providing support for Jumpstart for Young Children’s work with early learners in underserved communities across the country

Learn more about Read for the Record and pledge to read at readfortherecord.org!

Kindergarten Community Service Project

We are so excited to share that we will be supporting A Baby Center for this year’s Kindergarten Community Service Project!

A Baby Center is a Hyannis non-profit organization that helps ensure the good health and safety of babies in need on Cape Cod and the Islands.

The needs of the organization have changed, therefore we will only be collecting the following new items on their behalf:

  • Baby lotion
  • Baby wash
  • Baby shampoo
  • Wash cloths
  • Bibs
  • Burp cloths
  • Receiving blankets
  • Binkies
  • Flushable wipes
  • Training underwear, size 2T-5T

Donations can be dropped off at the Fair Building, or Sanborn Building, at drop-off or pick-up time each day, or sent in with your child, so they may deliver your contribution.

We will be collecting donations through Friday, November 18th.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Fair Acres Featured in Cape Cod Times!

Click here to read the Cape Cod Times Column!

Thank you, Summer Camp Families!

This was certainly a SUMMER TO REMEMBER! And, we couldn’t be more thankful for our campers and families…

Summer Camp Packing List

Welcome to Summer Camp, 2022!

Our “packing list” will help ensure our campers are well-equipped to have the best possible summer camp experience!

Please send your child with the following items each day:

  • Nut free lunch labeled with your camper’s name and a cold pack (we do not offer refrigeration)
  • Water bottle
  • Sneakers
  • Bathing suit and towel (flip flops/swim shoes – optional)
  • Change of clothes in case something gets wet.
  • Sweatshirt on chilly mornings/days
  • Sunscreen (please label your child’s name.)
  • Your camp spirit!

Please label all of your camper’s belongings!

Please email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com with any questions!  We can’t wait to see you soon!

Fair Acres Spring Newsletter

We hope you enjoy our Spring newsletter!

We are so pleased to present our Spring newsletter, which highlights some of the the incredible projects, activities and adventures we were able to engage in together this year…our students made us so proud each and every day, building friendships and enriching each others’ lives through collaborative learning and play! 

Read our Spring Newsletter

Limited Availability Remaining in our 2022-2023 Classes – Register Today!

Thank you for your interest in Fair Acres country Day school.



2022-2023 TUITION



Call (508) 420-3288 for more information and to schedule your personal tour of our expansive nature-based campus nestled on the sandy shores of sparkling Shubael Pond, boasting several outdoor classrooms, forests, fields, gardens and playgrounds!

We are prepared to offer your child a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn, play and grow! We can’t wait to welcome you to Fair Acres!

2022 Summer Camp Registration is Now Open

Thank you for your interest in Fair Acres Summer Day Camp!

We have been very busy this winter preparing for a wonderful and fun-filled summer camp program for summer, 2022. Our goal is to create a positive experience that will last a lifetime for our campers and ensure a summer of “good ol’ fashioned camp fun!” Fair Acres Summer Camp is offered to children ages 4 – 12 and will run for (4) two-week sessions beginning July 5th. The camp day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.

The program for the summer months has been designed to utilize the seven plus acres that encompass Fair Acres. The country setting offers vast grassy fields, fully-equipped playgrounds, a tennis court, a basketball court, a putting green, a ball field and plenty of woods for nature-based activities.

This year we are excited to introduce our GaGa pit to summer camp. Our campers will enjoy teaming up with their fellow campers for some friendly competition during this kinder, gentler version of dodge ball. Gross motor skills along with sportsmanship are key to this sure-to-be-favorite camp activity.

The waterfront features spring-fed Shubael’s Pond. Its sandy bottom and gradual depth are the perfect location for swimming and boating activities. Emphasis will be on physical development through motor skills, arts & crafts, swimming safety, nature, music, and plenty of camp fun. Fair Acres classroom buildings are spacious facilities that are utilized on rainy days and for special activities.

Fair Acres Summer Camp is staffed with hand selected, qualified persons from all over New England. Our staff is rigorously trained and thoroughly understands the individual needs of each camper. Most of all, they are enthusiastic, energetic and excited to work with your child to develop their full potential.

Come join us this summer at Fair Acres for all the fun a child can handle! We are looking forward to sharing a great experience with you and your family.

See you this Summer!

The Larson Family


Check out some of our Summer Camp highlights!
Learn more about our summer camp programming here!

2022 Summer Camp Dates:

  • Session 1: 7/5-7/15
  • Session 2: 7/18-7/29
  • Session 3: 8/1-8/12
  • Session 4: 8/15-8/26

2022 Summer Camp Rates:

  • $795.00 Per Session (2 weeks)
  • $725.00 Per Session (2 weeks) 2nd child

A $75.00 registration fee plus one session of camp tuition is due to secure your registration.

The sessions that your child is registered for are binding and payment will be due prior to the start of the session. No refunds for any closures due to COVID.

You will be invoiced by mail on June 1st, 2022 for the remaining sessions registered.

Fair Acres Summer Camp is all about fun! Throughout the day, campers participate in a wide range of activities which include:

  • Field Games
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Playground Play
  • Court Sports (tennis, basketball, hockey, etc.)
  • “Specialty Days”
  • Water Activities
  • Nature Exploration
  • …and more!

Good ol’ camp fun is the main theme throughout the summer with all of our activities and programming. Campers will rotate from one planned activity to the next with their counselors. All activities are planned for the week by the lead counselors and reviewed by the camp director to ensure quality programming. Campers pack a lunch and drink daily as well as a bathing suit and towel. Fair Acres provides plenty of water breaks during the camp day and requires that all campers have sneakers to ensure their safety during daily activities.

At Fair Acres, your child will make lasting friendships, learn all about what it is to be a camper and most of all… they will look forward to coming back the next day!

Specialty Programs:

  • Color Wars
  • Water Day
  • Talent Shows
  • Campfire Nights

Upcoming Events

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our upcoming events!

Thursday, February 10th, 6-7 PM: Join us for our Kindergarten Information Night! Learn more here.

Saturday  February 12th, 9 AM-12 PM: Join us for school tours! Please call (508) 420-3288 in advance to reserve a time.

Thursday February 17th, 6-7:30 PM: Join us for our Open House! At a Fair Acres open house, one can expect to meet our first-rate staff, learn about our philosophy and curriculum, and explore the opportunities for experiential learning and play that our 8-acre campus provides!

Please note: COVID safety protocols will be in place, and masks will be required at all events.

Kindergarten Information Night: Thursday, February 10th, 6-7 PM

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten Program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Kindergarten Information Night!

  • Thursday, February 10th, 6-7 PM

  • Open to current and prospective parents & guardians 

Learn more about what sets our Kindergarten program apart, here!

2022-2023 school year registration is now open to current families, and opens to new families on January 27th, here!

Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com
Directions to Fair Acres 

Fair Acres Winter Newsletter

We hope you enjoy our Winter newsletter!

We are so pleased to present our Winter newsletter, which highlights some of the the incredible projects, activities and adventures we were able to engage in together so far this school year…our students made us so proud each and every day, building friendships and enriching each others’ lives through collaborative learning and play! 

Winter Newsletter

Planting Memories: A New Fair Acres Holiday Tradition

We are extremely excited to share a new tradition with you this holiday season – Planting Memories, an initiative created to provide a sense of connection and community to our students, their families and our staff!

Our vision for this new tradition is to create memories, while honoring the values that are represented by the holiday season: love, family, giving, and sharing.

We hope you will join us in a new Fair Acres tradition!

Here’s how it works:

  • Fair Acres purchases an Evergreen tree for each classroom.
  • The trees are placed at the designated pick-up areas for each classroom.
  • Leading up to the holidays, we invite families to create an ornament that students will hang on these special “Fair Acres Family Trees.”
  • In the spring, the trees will be planted around the campus, where the memories associated with the ornaments and holiday season, will live with it, on into the future!

This new tradition was born out of the desire to provide and maintain a close connection throughout the holiday season, in lieu of gathering for our typical celebrations. As always, our number one priority is to ensure everyone’s safety, as we strive to preserve what our families, students and alumni revere most about Fair Acres.

COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols

Rest assured that the entire staff at Fair Acres continues to take the COVID-19 crisis very seriously and follows the EEC and State guidelines on a daily basis.  We truly appreciate you support and assistance during these times.  As always, if you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us directly.

Fair Acres is taking the following measures and has set the following COVID protocols in place to ensure that all children and staff are kept safe:

  • Hand sanitizing stations have been placed in the classrooms and around campus for when sinks are not available for washing.
  • Children use hand sanitizer before entering the buildings at drop off time.
  • Classrooms do not combine while inside the buildings.
  • Toys are disinfected throughout the day.
  • Classrooms are cleaned and disinfected throughout the day and at night by a
    professional cleaning company.
  • All classrooms are sprayed down regularly with our Evaclen Protexus Electrostatic sprayer, which gives us an edge on fighting COVID-19, influenzas and the common cold.
  • Use of a state-of-the-art REME Generator Advanced Oxidation system throughout our school. With this air purification system, micro-organisms can be reduced by over 99% (Click on the following links to learn more about the REME systems: https://youtu.be/Ke54GtDaarQ and https://youtu.be/90AtzUpK-TA
  • Handwashing/sanitizing is done after bathroom use, before snack and lunch, when
    children come in from outside and when children are done with the sensory tables.
  • Lunch boxes are stored in child’s cubbies not in a shared refrigerator.
  • All staff have been trained in safety requirements regarding COVID-19.
  • A plan is set for isolating any child or staff member who becomes sick or has
    developed symptoms of COVID-19 throughout the day until they can be picked up by a responsible
    person or drive themselves home. Parents will be notified immediately and will be
    asked to pick up child immediately.

Share YOUR Fair Acres Story!

We are collecting testimonials that illustrate the value we provide to our students and their families.

Please take a few moments to share your Fair Acres stories and experiences with us, here!

Thank you in advance for your submissionwe will be expressing our thanks by presenting participants with a FREE Fair Acres t-shirt!

Jumpstart’s 2021 “Read for the Record®”

On October 28th, the Pre-K, 5-day classes and Kindergarten class participated in Jumpstart’s “Read for the Record®,” the world’s largest shared reading experience!

Each year, Jumpstart selects a campaign book that fosters language and social-emotional development, honors the diversity in our world, has a strong narrative, and appeals to young children. That book is read across the country and around the world by adults and young readers on Read for the Record day.

As a part of this initiative, the children gathered on the outdoor stage to read this year’s campaign book, Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon, written by Kat Zhang and illustrated by Charlene Chua.

The children also collaborated to create Fair Acres’ very own magnificent patchwork dragon, which they proudly displayed in the Fair Building!

Part of a national campaign that was launched over a decade ago, “Read for the Record®” addresses the educational inequities that leave many children unprepared for Kindergarten, by:

  • Increasing awareness about the critical importance and impact of early literacy
  • Making high-quality children’s books accessible for all children
  • Providing support for Jumpstart for Young Children’s work with early learners in underserved communities across the country

Learn more about Read for the Record and pledge to read at readfortherecord.org!

Fair Acres Little Free Library

Fair Acres Families: we wanted to encourage you to utilize our very own “Little Free Library,” located outside the Sanborn building!

How It Works: Take a book or leave a book, be sure to close the door…keep the book forever, or return it for one more!

Learn more about the nationwide Little Free Library movement here: https://littlefreelibrary.org/

2021 Kindergarten Community Service Project: A Huge Success!

We couldn’t be happier to announce that this year’s Kindergarten community service project was a huge success…

The children counted and organized all of the donations they collected, and were filled with such joy to be able to send the following supplies to A Baby Center last week:

  • 169 pairs of pajamas
  • 1,521 diapers
  • 90 bottles of lotion, baby wash and shampoo

They couldn’t have done it without your support – thank you to all of our families for your part in making this important initiative as impactful as it was!

A Baby Center is a Hyannis non-profit organization that helps ensure the good health and safety of babies in need on Cape Cod and the Islands.

Fair Acres Halloween Party!

We can’t wait for our Halloween Party outside on the field, Friday, October 29th, from 11 AM – 12 PM!


The Start of the 2021-2022 School Year is Just Around the Corner!

We can’t believe that there are just a few short weeks until we welcome our students for the 2021-2022 school year!

We have limited availability remaining in our pre-school classrooms and in our popular after-school program!

Give us a call at (508) 420-3288 for more information and to schedule your personal tour of our pristine facilities and expansive campus, complete with outdoor classrooms and playgrounds, perfectly appointed for socially-distanced experiential learning and imaginative play!

We can’t wait to welcome you to Fair Acres Country Day School!

Follow us on Instagram @ fair_acres_cape_cod

Join us for Session 4!

Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! 😎

Session 4 is fast-approaching and boasts some of our most popular camp events, including Campfire Night and Carnival Day!

We have extremely limited availability remaining! Join us 8/16-8/27, for what promises to be two weeks of memories that will last a lifetime!

Don’t delay – register here!

2021 Summer Camp Registration is Open!

Thank you for your interest in Fair Acres Summer Day Camp!

Summer, 2020 was one for the books – full of friendships & memories that will last a lifetime! Thank you to all of our campers and families for your part in making last summer a tremendous success!

Check out the highlights in our 2020 Summer Camp Newsletter

2021 Summer Camp Dates:

  • Session 1: 7/5-7/16 (Wait List)
  • Session 2: 7/19-7/30
  • Session 3: 8/2-8/13
  • Session 4: 8/16-8/27

2021 Summer Camp Rates:

  • $765.00 Per Session (2 weeks)
  • $688.00 Per Session (2 weeks) 2nd child

A $75.00 non-refundable registration fee plus $765.00 is due at the time you register your child for Fair Acres Summer Camp. The $765 will be applied to your child’s last attending session. You will be invoiced by mail on June 1st, 2021 for the remaining sessions registered.


Our summer camp programming is second to none!

Fair Acres Country Day Camp runs for eight weeks, through the months of July and August. Camp opens at 7:30 am, Monday through Friday, with the camp program beginning at 9:00 am. The camp program ends at 3:30 pm. Campers range in age from 4-11 years and are grouped according to their age. Camp runs in two week sessions with most campers choosing multiple sessions throughout the summer.

Fair Acres Summer Camp is all about fun! Throughout the day, campers participate in a wide range of activities which include:

  • Field Games
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Swim Lessons and Free Swim
  • Playground Play
  • Court Sports (tennis, basketball, hockey, etc.)
  • “Specialty Days”
  • Water Activities
  • Nature Exploration
  • …and more!

Good ol’ camp fun is the main theme throughout the summer with all of our activities and programming. Campers will rotate from one planned activity to the next with their counselors. All activities are planned for the week by the lead counselors and reviewed by the camp director to ensure quality programming. Campers pack a lunch and drink daily as well as a bathing suit and towel. Fair Acres provides plenty of water breaks during the camp day and requires that all campers have sneakers to ensure their safety during daily activities.

At Fair Acres, your child will make lasting friendships, learn all about what it is to be a camper and most of all… they will look forward to coming back the next day!

Specialty Programs:

  • Color Wars
  • Water Day
  • Talent Shows
  • Private Swim Lessons
  • Campfire Nights

The Best Summer Ever:

We have been working hard all winter preparing for the “biggest and best” Summer Camp program ever at Fair Acres for the upcoming summer! Our goal is to create a positive experience that will last a lifetime for our campers and ensure a summer of “good ol’ camp fun!”

The program for the summer months has been designed to utilize the seven plus acres that encompass Fair Acres. The country setting offers large green lawn areas, fully equipped playgrounds, a tennis court, a basketball court, a putting green, a ball field and plenty of wooded area for nature. The area also includes spring fed Shubael’s Pond with its’ sandy bottom and gradual depth offering swimming instruction by Red Cross Certified Instructors. Emphasis will be on physical development through motor skills, arts and crafts, swimming instruction, nature, music and good camp fun. Fair Acres classroom buildings are spacious facilities that are utilized on rainy days and special activities.

Fair Acres Summer Camp is staffed with hand selected, qualified persons from all over New England. Our staff is rigorously trained and thoroughly understands the needs of each camper as an individual. Most of all, they are enthusiastic, energetic and anxious to work with your child to develop to their full potential.

Come join us this summer at Fair Acres for all the fun a child can handle! We are looking forward to a great summer with you and your family.

The Larson Family


Summer Camp Welcome Letter

Welcome to Summer Camp, 2021!

The start of your child’s session is right around the corner and we are so excited to welcome you to Fair Acres Summer Camp 2021. This summer is going to be amazing, and we need it more than ever! With that, we want you to feel comfortable and prepared ahead of time.

Below, you will find information that will help prepare yourself and your child for camp:

What should I pack?
● We request all campers bring a facial covering with them. Campers are not required to wear masks outdoors but are encouraged to wear masks when indoors.
● Nut free lunch labeled with your camper’s name and a cold pack (we do not offer refrigeration)
● Life preserver (if appropriate) for “water adventure” games. (optional)
● Water bottle
● Sneakers
● Bathing suit and towel (flip flops/swim shoes – optional)
● Change of clothes in case something gets wet.
● Sweatshirt on chilly mornings/days
● Sunscreen (please label your child’s name.)
● Your camp spirit!

Please label all of your camper’s belongings!

What should I expect at drop-off?
● Drop off is between 8:30-9:00 AM. In order to moderate the amount of traffic, we are asking you to stagger the times you arrive:
○ Last names A-L: Drop off between 8:30-8:45 AM
○ Last names M-Z: Drop off between 8:45- 9:00 AM
● You will be greeted at the entrance of the Fair Acres driveway, where I will check you in!
● I will then ask you to drive to your designated drop off location, which will be marked by a colored barrel.

What should I expect at pick-up?

● Pick-up is between 3:15-3:30. A staff member will be at the entrance of the drive-way to help guide you to the correct location.
● At this time, your child will be ready and waiting at the same designated area they were dropped off at and are now ready for pick-up (marked by a colored barrel- I will again be at the front of the driveway to guide you if you are not sure!). They will have all of their belongings with them and ready to leave when you arrive.
● Both of your child’s counselors will be available at pick-up if you need anything. I will also be available, should you need me at all.
● Again, we ask you to remain at your car, to be respectful of traffic, and proceed in a timely manner.
● We kindly ask you to be on one time for pick-up.

Who will I meet?!
● At drop off and pick up you will see the most amazing Fair Acres Team, so excited for another fantastic day of good ole’ camp fun!. We will greet you every morning and be there to tell you about our crazy adventures in the afternoon!

Meet our Summer Camp 2021 Staff here!

*** Also, as a reminder, we continue to have hand sanitation stations around camp for your
child to use throughout the day, and campers are also encouraged to wash their hands
regularly. Additionally, we sanitize and disinfect our campus each night.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! See you soon!

Lisa and the Fair Acres Team

2021 Family Picnic

It was wonderful to be able to welcome our students and their families for a year-end picnic, during which time we celebrated all of the children’s accomplishments over the course of the school year – and, also the opportunity to come together in person!

Meet the Fair Acres 2021 Summer Camp Staff!

Our 2021 staff is so excited to welcome both our new and returning campers for an action-packed, FUN-filled, sun-filled summer!

Get to know the team, here!

Learn more about our summer camp programming, here!

Summer Camp Packing List

Welcome to Summer Camp, 2021!

Our “packing list” will help ensure our campers are well-equipped to have the best possible summer camp experience!

Please send your child with the following items each day:

  • We request all campers bring a facial covering with them.  Campers are not required to wear masks outdoors, but are encouraged to wear masks when indoors.
  • Nut free lunch labeled with your camper’s name and a cold pack (we do not offer refrigeration)
  • Life preserver (if appropriate) for “water adventure” games. (optional)
  • Water bottle
  • Sneakers
  • Bathing suit and towel (flip flops/swim shoes – optional)
  • Change of clothes in case something gets wet.
  • Sweatshirt on chilly mornings/days
  • Sunscreen (please label your child’s name.)
  • Your camp spirit!

Please label all of your camper’s belongings!

Please email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com with any questions!  We can’t wait to see you soon!

April Vacation Camp Highlights

This year’s April Vacation Camp was an action-packed week, full of fun and friendships, featuring plenty of outdoor games, imaginative play, crafts and nature-based activities!

Our vacation campers made use of the entire campus, and enjoyed this year’s themes, which included Sports Day, Super Hero Day and a Color Wars Day…

Nominate Fair Acres for the 2025 “Cape Cod’s Best” Awards!

Cast your votes to nominate us for best CHILD CARE and best PRIVATE SCHOOL by March 31st in the “Kids & Education” category by clicking HERE!

Show your support by casting your nominations before March 31st! Every vote counts, so take a moment to show your Fair Acres pride! Thank you!

Cape Cod’s Best Community’s Choice Awards celebrates the best businesses and organizations in the area! The power is in your hands, the local community, to nominate and vote for your favorite companies in more than 125 categories. From trendy hotspots to hidden gems, this awards program is your chance to shine a spotlight on the establishments that make the Cape Cod area stand out.

Summer Camp Wait List

Our 2025 Summer Camp sessions are full and we are now forming wait lists – please complete the registration form be added to the wait list for your sessions of choice.

Thank you!

Learn more about our summer camp programming here.

Upcoming Informational Events & 2025-2026 School Year Registration

We look forward to welcoming you to Fair Acres!

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten Program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

Tuesday, January 14, 6-7 PM: Kindergarten Information Night

At Fair Acres. we know that starting Kindergarten is a big step in the lives of children and parents. To better prepare you for this step, we invite you to attend our Kindergarten Information Night. Linda Crawford, our beloved Kindergarten teacher of 12 years, and her assistant, Mary, will be speaking to you about our philosophy, what to expect in Kindergarten, school choice, and how to know if your child is ready for the transition to Kindergarten. Our staff will also share highlights from our curriculum, and you will have the opportunity to hear from parents of Fair Acres students and alumni about their choice and experiences with our Kindergarten program. This event is open to parents and guardians of current and prospective students.

Thursday, January 30, 6-7:30 PM: Open House

At a Fair Acres Open House, one can expect to meet our first-rate staff, learn about our “whole child” approach to learning and explore the opportunities for experiential learning and imaginative play that our expansive nature-based campus provides…

Nestled on the sandy shores of sparkling Shubael Pond in Marstons Mills, Fair Acres boasts a close-knit community of educators and learners, pristine facilities, multidisciplinary centers, outdoor classrooms, forests, fields, gardens and playgrounds! We look forward to welcoming you, as we open our doors to share all that Fair Acres has to offer!

2025-2026 school year registration opens to current families on January 6th and to new families on January 27th!

✅ Learn what sets our programming apart and why we are considered “Cape Cod’s best,” here!

✅ Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com

Directions to Fair Acres

✅ Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

2025-2026 School Year Registration: Coming Soon!





Call (508) 420-3288 for more information and to schedule your personal tour of our expansive nature-based campus nestled on the sandy shores of sparkling Shubael Pond, boasting several outdoor classrooms, forests, fields, gardens and playgrounds!

We are prepared to offer your child a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn, play and grow! We can’t wait to welcome you to Fair Acres!

Kindergarten Information Night

Tuesday, January 14, 6-7 PM

At Fair Acres. we know that starting Kindergarten is a big step in the lives of children and parents. To better prepare you for this step, we invite you to attend our Kindergarten Information Night.

Linda Crawford, our beloved Kindergarten teacher, will be speaking to you about our philosophy, what to expect in Kindergarten, school choice, and how to know if your child is ready for the transition to Kindergarten.

Our staff will also share highlights from our curriculum, and you will have the opportunity to hear from parents of Fair Acres students and alumni about their choice and experiences with our Kindergarten program.

This event is open to parents and guardians of current and prospective students.

Fair Acres Country Day School offers Preschool Programs for children ages 2.9 – 5 years and has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual child. Our highly reputable full-day Kindergarten program is well known for its successful development of students that ensures a comfortable transition into first grade, both academically, as well as socially.

✅ Learn what sets our programming apart and why we are considered “Cape Cod’s best,” here!

✅ Questions? Email us at info@fairacrescapecod.com

Directions to Fair Acres

✅ Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Fair Acres Fall Newsletter

We hope you enjoy our Fall newsletter!

We are so pleased to present our Fall newsletter, which highlights many of the activities and adventures we have been able to engage in together during the 2024-205 school year…

Our students make us so proud each and every day, building friendships and enriching each others’ lives through collaborative learning and play! 

Click here to read the full newsletter!

Fair Acres Halloween Festivities!

Wishing all of our families and friends a SPOOK-TACULAR Halloween! 🎃

Click below to join in on some of our annual Halloween festivities…

Limited Availability Remaining in our Pre-K!

Are you or someone you know seeking a best-in-class Pre-K experience for your child? If so, you are in luck!

We have limited availability remaining in our 2024-2025 Pre-K!

Call (508) 420-3288 for more information and to schedule your personal tour of our expansive nature-based campus nestled on the sandy shores of sparkling Shubael Pond, boasting several outdoor classrooms, forests, fields, gardens and playgrounds!

We are prepared to offer your child a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn, play and grow. We can’t wait to welcome you to Fair Acres!

Learn more here!

Kick-Off to the 2024-2025 School Year!

What a week it was!

See the full recap, along with our prior Facebook posts, here!

Welcome Baaaaaaaaa-ck!

Our resident goats, Milly and Billy, are on the lookout for Fair Acres students and eager to welcome them baaaaaaaa-ck for the 2024-2025 school year!

Our current families are invited to stop by Monday, September 2nd, to tour campus and visit your child’s classroom.

We can’t wait to see our students and staff for the first day of school on Tuesday!!!